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What is policy?
A set of policies are principles, rules, and guidelines formulated or adopted by an organisation to reach its long-term goals and typically published in a booklet or other form that is widely accessible.
Policies and procedures are designed to influence and determine all major decisions and actions, and all activities take place within the boundaries set by them.
Policy making is about problem solving and is shaped by social, institutional, political and economic contexts (Birkland, 2016)
Policy is crucial to youth work because it underpins the ethos of our practice.
As youth workers we make small changes in society that have a long term impact in bringing positive changes to communities and policies enable us to do this.

National Youth Work

Strategy 2014 - 2019

Youthlink Scotland's Statement on the Nature and Purpose of Youth Work, 2014
"Youth Work is an empowering process which enables young people to excercise genuine power - to take decisions, follow them through and take responsibility for their consequences."

The new national youth work strategy is currently out for consultation from Youthlink. This document Our ambitions for Improving the Life Chances for Young People in Scotland (Youthlink, 2014) highlights the current drivers for youth work in Scotland. The strategy has 5 key ambitions


  • Ensure Scotland is the best place to be young and grow up

  • Put young people at the heart of the policy

  • Recognise the value of youth work

  • Build workforce capacity

  • Measure the impact of Youth Work

Teen Skateboarding

Youth Scotland

Strategy & Values

…to assist young people in Scotland to be confident, resilient and ready to reach their full potential; the charity will aim to achieve this by supporting a network of youth groups and delivering services which help young people to learn, succeed and make positive contributions to their communities

Changing Lives through Youth Work’ is Youth Scotlands 2016-2019 strategy for young people; youth workers; community based youth work; partnership working; and sustainability. The organisation has 5 aims:

  1. Support young people to become successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors in their youth groups and communities

  2. Deliver more choices and opportunities for young people by increasing the effectiveness of those who work with them, particularly voluntary and part-time youth workers

  3. Improve the life chances of young people by sustaining and developing strong and resilient community based youth work

  4. Build our reputation for high quality, effective and efficient services and continue to work in partnership with others to generate innovative responses to new challenges

  5. Build efficient and effective systems to be more sustainable and maintain good practice in all aspects of the management of a national youth work organisation



Getting it right for every child (GIRFEC) is based on children's rights and its principles as stated in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of a Child. It is to support the wellbeing of  all children and young people in Scotland, whilst supporting parents rights too.

The GIRFEC approach is based on values and principles which supports children's and parent's rights.  Formed in 2006 GIRFEC affects all practitioners working with young people. The concept is based around 4 key themes of "Confident Individuals, Successful Learners, Responsible Citizens and Effective Contributors."  This further expands into the concept of SHANARRI where children and young people should be: Safe, Healthy, Achieving, Nurtured, Active, Respected, Responsible and Included.  

The GIRFEC approach 

  • Is child focussed

  • Is based on understanding of the wellbeing of a child in their current situation

  • Is based on tackling needs early

  • Requires joined up working

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